Early Head Start


What is Early Head Start?

Early Head Start is an extension of the Head Start program that specifically serves pregnant women, infants, and toddlers up to age three, as well as their families. It aims to provide comprehensive early childhood development services to promote healthy prenatal outcomes, enhance the development of very young children, and support families in their caregiving roles.

Impacts of Early Head Start

Early Head Start children perform better on a wide range of cognitive
measures, have better social skills, and exhibit significantly fewer behavioral problems and incidents of aggression.

Families in Early Head Start have more positive parent-child relationships, more stable and healthy home environments, and less involvement with the child welfare system.

Through this multi-generational model, EHS families are recognized as their children’s first teachers, and family advocates work with them to assess their own strengths and set goals.

EHS offers a wide range of services to help parents increase their knowledge, skills, and attitudes related to parenting, as well as enhance their own well-being, including prenatal andn postpartum health care, housing and food security, parental education, employment, and more
