CSO joins Hispanic Heritage Festival

HOT SPRINGS, Ark. — Community Services Office (CSO) participated in the annual Hispanic Festival organized by Ouachita Behavioral Health & Wellness (OBHAW) on Oct. 12 at the Hot Springs Farmers Market The event aimed to celebrate Hispanic culture in Garland County.

The CSO team distributed cups, pens and mints while engaging with visitors about CSO’s programs. CSO’s Lucy Morales led art activities for children. The art promoted cultural appreciation among the younger attendees.

Representing the Community Services Office were: Sandra Castillo, Erica Castillo, Jenny Martinez, Jasmine Martinez, Sonya Nash, Katty Oviedo, Estela Burchette, Lucy Morales, and Janice Washington. Their participation highlights CSO’s dedication to fostering community connections and promoting cultural heritage.

The Hispanic Festival featured over 20 vendors, live music by Jacob Flores, and performances by the Orgullo Azteca dance group, who honored the Aztec heritage through traditional dances. The Hot Springs Police Department provided free food, helping to bridge connections between law enforcement and the Hispanic community.

The festival aimed to celebrate Hispanic contributions to American culture, build community ties, and offer resources.

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